Alternative Schooling Systems in India
India has been the land of gurukuls – which was a system aimed at imparting knowledge that was holistic in approach, through personalized mentoring and interaction Also, it had...
Re-EXAMining One’s Approach to EXAMS!
Exams are a pivotal part of the educational journey in India, often serving not just as a benchmark of a student’s knowledge, but also as a source of significant stress for both...
Silence in the Classroom: Boon or Bane?
In today's fast-paced world, silence seems like a luxury! With constant notifications on the phone, the ever-present hum of technology, ears stuffed with air pods, the continuous...
SHAPING A SAFER FUTURE: Working Towards Changing Mindsets Towards GENDER
It has been observed that the crime against women has been on the rise and with the recent events of violence against women, the society has to take action As educators, we must...
Spring Cleaning Some Teaching Habits
Most of us tend to (or at least begin to) teach in more or less the same way we were taught And here’s the thing – we aren’t even aware of it; we don’t realise that...
The Motivation Makeover – How I reshaped Instructional Strategies for Success
Navigating the classroom has its unique set of challenges, especially in the realm of student motivation And I experienced this pretty much in the first year of being a teacher...
About Leap Days & Leap Years
It’s that time of the year, when winter is easing and the harbinger of spring is evident It is also the time, when after four years, the year 2024 has come with that one extra...
Dear Teacher, Keep Alive The ‘Child-Like Wonder’
Child-like Wonder - something we are all born with, yet just a handful of us keep this alive as we age into the autumn years of our lives Having said that, I do believe that is it...
How to Speak to Children about Conflict & War
One of the most important roles that a teacher and a parent plays in the lives of children under their care, is to keep them safe and secure, especially in times of turmoil When...
“I don’t wish to work” Syndrome – Part 3
If you have chanced upon this blog article but you haven’t had the opportunity to read Parts 1 & 2 by the same name, then we strongly suggest that you begin there If, however,...
“I don’t wish to work” Syndrome – Part 2
If you have chanced upon this article but you haven’t had the opportunity to read Part 1 by the same name, then we strongly suggest that you begin there If, however, you have...
“I don’t wish to work” Syndrome – Part 1
Based on our experiences over decades, across kindergarten, preparatory, middle and high school kids, we at Team QEDRAK have faced varied instances of the “I don’t wish to...
Paying Attention in Class – Part 2
Hello Students, your Teachers and your Parents! Welcome to the fresh academic term, post the summer vacation! If you have chanced upon this Blog article before listening to the...
Teacher’s Vacation Guide to Winding-down and Spring-cleaning
Hello Teachers… finally, it's vacation time! Despite what most people think, that teachers rarely “relax” during vacation time, it is possible! School activities have come...
‘Instructional Design’ in Education
The COVID-19 pandemic made clear just how critical it is to find the most effective ways to reach learners As instruction moved online, teachers were left wondering — “how can...
Making Homework ‘Work’ – Part 2
Hello Parents and Teachers! Season’s Greetings and warm wishes for this festive month of October! If you have chanced upon this Blog article before listening to the linked...
Maddened By Math to Mad About Math
Mathematics is omnipresent and required by everyone! As an integral part of school curriculum worldwide today, Mathematics is one of the core fundamentals in the formal...
Back to School in a Pandemic – Making the Transition Smooth
March 2020: All of us remember when the World Heath Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic Life came to a standstill as the largest national lockdown in the democratic world...
Creating Young Readers – Part 2/2
“I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book”- J K Rowling Inculcating the Reading...
Creating Young Readers – Part 1/2
“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world” - Napoleon Bonaparte Benefits of Reading It is said that when you want to focus, start...
A Realigned School Environment – Post COVID 19
For a few years now, school leaders have been focusing on various aspects of curricular and allied services of education, to improve school quality These have embraced not just...
Get Set Choose with MCQs – Part 2
Greetings from Team QEDRAK! If, you have chanced upon this blog, we recommend that you first listen to the Podcast titled Get Set Choose with MCQs – Part 1, to familiarise...
Building ‘Excitement for Learning’ in the Classroom
Hello and greetings from QEDRAK! This time’s blog is in the QED-SYNC segment, ie for Educators! Let’s begin by complimenting all of you for being YOU… Passionate Educators...
The Examination Saga
Gone are the days when teachers, schools and coaching centres knew exactly how to guide students to prep up for the 10th and 12th board exams, since the roadmap to cracking them...
Engaging Kids in the LEGACY you Choose to Leave
Hello Parents! Greetings for June! This month’s topic is essentially about what we plan to leave for our kids I am sure many of us must have thought about what we will be...
Stay-At-Home Made Easy!
As we continue to live in the most unprecedented time of our life with the never ending Corona virus outbreak, the world is waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...
Learning to Motivate the Learner – Part 2
Hello from Team QEDRAK! If, you have chanced upon this blog, we recommend that you first listen to the Podcast titled Learning to Motivate the Learner – Part 1, to familiarise...
My Child will Lose a Year!
Come admission season, the school gates see an increased flurry of activity Young enthusiastic parents start lining up for the first admission form for their 2+ year olds for...
Discussing Indian Boards of Education: CBSE and ICSE in a Nutshell
Here’s everything that you need to know about the two most popular nationalized secondary education school boards in the country Differences between the school boards ( CBSE...
7 Pointers to Find the Right School for Your Child
If you are a new parent with a school-ready child, or have recently moved to a new city on transfer, you would be quite anxious about choosing the best school option for your...
5 Simple Steps to Being a Great Parent
BEING A PARENT ALWAYS SEEM TO BRING OUT OUR BIGGEST INSECURITIES First time parents are often faced with the question, “Am I doing it right” “Am I nursing enough times...